Dec 1, 2006

Asus R1F or R2H

I previously wrote about the Asus R2H, and how I felt that the machine opened up a well of possibilities used in an academic environment. This view hasn't changed, and I am eagerly awaiting for the unit to be released locally so I can finally get some hands-on experience with it.

A machine of this small size, however, might not be for everyone. Asus has now released the R1F, a TabletPC with keyboard and rotating 13.3" monitor. This size is closer to normal page sizes, and may be more suitable for some for note-taking. With the built-in keyboard it also more easily doubles as a laptop. More power and extended battery life may also appeal to some.

I am hoping to get approval for a small pilot project with a limited number of students that can use either machine. Their experiences and opinions about the use of each machine will be recorded, and considered for a larger project. It will be interesting to hear which size is more prefered in a classroom environment, and which advantages and disadvantages the students associate with them.

Asus R1F

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